Tuesday, June 21

Ahhhh... Summer! How you taunt me so.

Yea! It's the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. Thank goodness. June Gloom is in full effect in So Cal. You know that there is something wrong with the world when it's warmer in San Francisco (high of 85°F) than it is in Los Angeles (high of  80°F).

No matter. Bike riding, Pool time, BBQ, fresh fruit, and al fresco dining awaits. Ahhh....relaxation.

Here are some ideas to start us off....

Bikes (via)

Sis and I never got to learn how to ride bikes as kids and there is this thing called Fear that seems to creep into your life as you reach adulthood.

So, as a cure-all to our non-bike riding dilemma, we have what we have nicknamed our "adult tricycles". It's what we got, for now.

BBQ (via)

I know that rib eye and porter house are the choice meats in the summer.

But for me, nothing beats a good Korean BBQ. It's especially easy to make at home in the summer with the grill blasting. All of the condiments are readily available at your local asian market or grocery store. The sauces come prebottled. Just marinate and grill.

Wanna make it a party? Try Jaden's recipe from Steamy Kitchen. It's a crowd pleaser! I promise.

Al Fresco Dining (via)

No matter where you are, hope you have time to go out there and enjoy the season!


Thursday, June 2

Thank You !!!

May is a hectic time for the sis and I. Patchwork Long Beach and Santa Ana are so much FUN, but also alot of prep work. But once the booth is set up (Thanks to Gloria @ Foe Industries) and we get to see the peeps, all of the work is worth it.

We wanted to give a hearty "Thank You!" to everyone involved with the shows, from the organizers to the volunteers and also, to the customers who came by to have a look and supported us by purchasing.


Just in case you missed us, here are some pics.....

Thanks again everyone! See ya at the next show.